Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kawah Putih Tutup, Situ Patenggang Pun Manstuff!

Hello again? It's been so long since my last post. I'd been attacked by a huge wave of laziness and some works. About two weeks ago, i visited my Grannie in Sumedang. Since I'm almost get killed by the boredom, me and my sista goin for a trip to Bandung, to Kawah Putih, Ciwidey. After a long and tiring trip, with my sista's boyfriend driving. We arrived. Yay. Unluckily, Kawah Putih is being closed until further announcement. Just like we about to dissappointed, the rain poured heavily at all of a sudden. What a 'Sudah Jatuh Tertimpa Tangga Pula' state we were.

But then, my sista's boyfriend told us a brillian idea to go to Situ Patenggang since we already came that far. What a saviour! So, here they are...proudly brought to you...The Situ Patenggang...

Let's slide down! To that tiny land of Wonders...

Arr...Let's sailin, Lad! To the Island of Wonders..

Yayy, we're sailing! Uhm, can't decide which song shud I sing: Row Row Yerr Boat or Nenek Moyangku Seorang Pelaut? salah, Bukitaaan. *teng teng teng teng...Perhatian-perhatian, silakan kencangkan sabuk pengaman Anda dan tegakkan sandaran duduk Anda, perahu akan segera menepi.

Oww, so this is the Island of Wonders we saw from up there..
Landing. Say Hi to the tree of solitude...

What is that? Some kinda historical site? Let's go down there and take a look closer...

The Mamang2 said this is the site of Batu Cinta. A legendary spot where 2 lovers unite once again after being separated. But, as u can see, Batu Cinta is drowned for about 4m because of the heavy rain since past few days.

Enuff with the Island. Let's go back to our starting point...

Passing below the Tree Tunnel...and i don't know why I suddenly feel the urge to sing the Istana Boneka hymne

OMG! Flood. Look at those two poor trees getting drowned.

Arrived. Let's go back to home, coz we're officially conquer the Situ Patenggang. *Ayy..ayy, Captain!